I was fortunate enough to photograph an awesome milestone in any young person's life this past week for Tia Jackson. She was celebrating her 25 birthday, that may not be the correct age but I want to have a long life and you can't do that revealing women's age. Tia brought on Feyi ,a houston based stylist, that I had worked with before, and let me tell you guys Feyi came to Slay, I've always wanted to use that phrase.
Every now and then, things happen fast. Really fast. The energy’s right. The vibe is right. Things almost seem to be too good to be true, and because of that you almost hesitate to appreciate it because you’re waiting for the catch.
That was me, Chelsea Coffey, Life and Style Blogger for my blog TheCoffeyBreak.com, about two weeks ago. I attended my friend’s Aces of Taste event and happened to run into a stylist friend of mine, Feyi Omodele, on the way into the brunch. She mentioned that she was in a neighboring studio working with her photographer friend, Fred, and that I should come by to check it out.
It is rare to see two people who just understand one another, and show their love for one another no matter who maybe watching. Damian adores his soon to be wife, and his eyes hardly gazed away from her. Katrina is a fun-filled bubbly young lady, that also did an awesome job on outfit selection might I add, and according to Katrina, Damian was looking for an opportunity to wear his suspenders. Their outfits complemented each other very well and the images will show.